Learn More About Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is one of the latest and most popular plastic surgery procedures performed around the world. It is also one of the least invasive. In fact, it has been considered an alternative to plastic surgery for years and is still considered as one of the more common surgeries in the U.S. today. Eyelid surgery is commonly performed to reshape the face to make it appear youthful, healthy, and youthful-looking.

Blepharoplasty correction, or simply blepharoplasty, correct bags and sagging facial skin that produce an aged appearance and poor eye contact. Both young and older patients can undergo this procedure and for some even develop excess skin covering their eyes. In fact, this procedure is often used in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures such as dermabrasion to achieve the desired results.

Blepharoplasty is basically a surgery to reshape the upper eyelid. It is also known as a cosmetic surgery and can be used to correct such issues as drooping eyelids, drooping eyelashes, under-eye puffiness, sagging skin, and drooping bags. Many people who have undergone this type of surgery report significant improvements in both appearance and health.

Medical history: Blepharoplastic surgery can cause varying degrees of symptoms depending on the age of the patient. Patients who are older may experience drooping eyelids, dark circles under the eyes, and heavy, watery eyes. Younger patients may experience similar symptoms, however, less drastic changes may occur. Younger patients, especially those in early adulthood, may also experience the development of droopy eyelids and wrinkles around the eyes.

Patients may also suffer from excessive itching, swelling, and irritation. This could be caused by the discomfort of stitches, the use of anesthesia, the healing process itself, and/or the presence of bacteria. If these symptoms persist after the surgery, they should be evaluated by a doctor and treated accordingly.

After surgery: Patients generally experience a noticeable difference in their overall health after the operation. Although most patients are able to resume a normal daily schedule within two weeks of their surgery, patients should expect to have some degree of pain and discomfort the first few days following surgery. Some patients may require more than one surgery, but most will experience minimal pain and swelling. They may also experience slight changes to their appearance, such as scarring.

Additional surgeries may be required if the patient experiences severe symptoms. Most people who undergo blepharoplasty are advised not to wear contacts or contact lenses until their scarring has disappeared. Some may also benefit from surgical skin lifts, but the exact results may vary based on the location and type of incision used. And the degree of scarring.

To learn more about eyelid surgery, contact your blepharoplasty doctor. He or she will be able to assess your current situation and recommend a course of treatment. In order to improve the way you look.

For more information about eyelid surgery in Portland Oregon visit https://www.eyelids.com/blepharoplasty-portland-oregon
